Our newest holiday tradition: Ken and I travel to Ohio to see his family and my family comes to our house and does Thanksgiving here. Without us. Charmer (I hear) was treated to a fine supper of turkey, stuffing, and whipped cream. Don't ask.
There we are! I have to stop tilting my head so I look like I have an 80s punk haircut with one side a few inches longer than the other.
You can't tell from my smile, but our first stop in Ohio was at Ken's dad's dental office for my first (yes, first) fillings. Three of them. I'm a champ. I got a "super patient" sticker to prove it.

This is Ken's "little" brother and his mom. She is recovering from a pretty major ankle injury, but managed to cook up quite a feast.
And this, folks, is about as good of a picture as I can take in the Staples parking lot at 5:30 a.m. on Black Friday.
Ken was hating humanity there for about an hour. Did I mention it had snowed the night before?
However, like all good scrapbookers, because of our 5:30 a.m. Staples stop I did manage to make it to Cord Camera and Archiver's all before 7:15. Not bad. It's a weird feeling to be in a line eight scrapbookers deep at 7 a.m. This year, I am thankful for many things, but on this day I was thankful for naps.
Finally, Ken and I are thinking about quitting our day jobs and going on tour with
Guitar Hero. They have a tour, right? Because I've pretty much mastered Black Door (edited: Paint it Black...I am obviously not ready to go on tour yet) and Hit Me With Your Best Shot on easy. I had my farewell tour last night which Ken felt necessary to videotape. Definitely not for public
So, in random order, I am thankful for:
-Warm slippers on cold nights
-A job that has it's challenges, but is rewarding
-A hobby that has brought me friendships I never would have had otherwise
-A husband who truly loves me unconditionally. Can't get much better than that
-A mom that is not only willing to dog sit for five days, but also washes the hardwood floors before she leaves. Mwa!
-Mercer, my friend since I was 18, who knows everything and loves me all the same
-Long jeans. What did I do without them?
-My family. My aunts and uncles. My cousins. My movie star dad.
-Wonderful neighbors (Carron and Ben) who are so much more than just neighbors, but are some of our closest friends
-Inlaws who don't mind if I take three naps a day, eat all their candy, and play video games while visiting
-Golden retrievers. There's a big one on my bed right now
-Carolyn, my now long-distance friend who I miss
-Molly Marine is home. Let the wedding countdown begin!