...I got an e-mail about a year ago from Lehigh about selling our yearbooks at a "deep discount" or "they are going in the trash if no one buys them." It arrived today. The memories have literally started pouring back. I can't even fathom the dreams I'm going to have tonight (I'm an over-active dreamer. Have I mentioned that before?)
So, I grew up in the era of Cindy Crawford. Remember the mole? Did you guys have friends that drew the mole on with eyeliner? The mole was sexy, right? (Somehow mole and sexy don't seem to work, but they did for Cindy). Well, I have a mole. A really small mole. On my forehead. Nothing special, just something I've had...well...forever? (Now if you ever meet me it'll be all you'll be able to look at).
But it never failed...Every year I would go in to get my sorority head shot, or in this case my senior photo. Three weeks later the proofs would arrive and my mole, and my freckles, were miraculously gone. Airbrushed away.
So, I am off to bed with a big glass of water, my mole, my freckles, the NCAA tournament on the television, and my 20-pound yearbook on my lap.