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Kasey Laughlin

That is awesome! Congrats on heading down memory lane...it's a fun road! :)


oh my gosh.. you SMOKED Tara! :)


Check you out skating with Tara! You are so famous! :)


I sure needed you to serve as substitute mama for Gracie yesterday... she got invited to an ice-skating birthday party. She has never skated before. I last had ice skates on in maybe... 1990? : )

Tomorrow is Tuesday, by the way. Hint hint.

Stephanie H

I am sure you rocked the sequins way more than Tara though!!

rachel marquette

this is really cool! i am with elizabeth - the last time I poorly skated around the ice rink at kent state - the early 90's!


Did she talk with her mother in their secret language at that meet/skate-off/event/championship? I like skate-off the best, personally. I can't wait to take Charlie to kegs on ice!!


It's amusing me that Tara was undeniably the #1 and after that, it was a crapshoot. The #2 girl was considered a five by J1, etc. Pretty much consistent in the 10-12 slots; however--way to not be one of them!


Really a 7th place mark...pahlease, that judge had it out for me lol :)


As if gold medalist Tara Lipinski would come in first place and you in seventh. I think you should demand a re-skate.


dude! you're like such a big deal. ;)

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