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Rebecca Lovell

This looks like a lovely class - thank you so much for the chance to win a spot! And you take care of yourself and your family!! I hope Sandy passes without too much incident to you!! ((hugs))


Hope Sandy leaves you alone! My family in Philadelphia is hunkering down...

Thanks for the chance to win this class. Looks awesome.


I hope Sandy is kind. The class looks cool!

Amy Coose

We too, are hunkerin' down for Sandy. Hope y'all stay safe, and thanks for the chance to win a spot in the class!

christi in ma

Would love the chance to win this class. Hope the Little House is warm, safe and full of light. The winds from Sandy are really picking up speed here in MA.

Marie Taylor

Ohhhh me! Me! And stay safe!!

Lynne S

I love Nora too! Stay safe! [email protected]


Stay safe! Thanks for the chance to win - this class looks like fun.


We are hunkered down as well...stay safe. And, yes, please, for the class. Love.


Be safe!


Thinking of you, my friend....
Sleep tight (and safely.)


p.s. counting down...12 days!!!!!!


Ohh, I love it when my internet worlds collide, I've followed Nora for years. Yay! Thanks for the chance to win.

Stay safe!


Stay safe ... I'd love to win!

Gayle P

please keep safe!! i hope you are not without power for too long!

this tag class looks awesome, i love Nora's style.


Stay safe and hope that you get power back soon! That class looks totally awesome!


Hoping you are back from the storm soon. I would love to take Nora's class.

laurie lariviere

thanks for the chance at the class, hope you guys don't lose power, we did this past summer for a week, that bad storm that hit VA, it was not fun! stay safe...we are getting the snow right now from Sandy. weird storm...

Lisa A

Hope your family is all safe and that your power did not stay off! This was a bad storm.
Thank you for taking the time to post the giveaway.


Hope you get your Starbucks soon! Great giveaway. Those kids are adorable!


The Tags class sounds wonderful ... thanks so much for the chance to win.


The class looks great! Thanks for the chance to win!

Linda J

Glad that the storm did little damage to your area. Thanks for the chance to win, looks like a fun class.:)

Wendy S

So glad the Little House faired well during the storm. Thanks for great giveaway! I agree, it looks awesome!


Would love to win a seed in Nora's awesome class! Wishing you all the best and thanks for tis very nice giveaway....


I love Nora's work!

Thanks for the opportunity!


This class looks so fun! Thanks for the chance!


Looks like a fun class!


Thanks for the opportunity to win - this category looks like fun.

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