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I love what you do! Owh how I would love your advice on Brian's room.

Is that a wooden guitar in the corner? Awesome.

Becky Trump

I LOVE Charlie-man's room!!! :) How is he in a big boy bed already, tho?!!! Slow down, time. slow down.


Adorable room! Or should I say handsome? Where did you find the Charlie banner?


Wait! Where did you get the blue portrait of Charlie w the train?? (I promise I looked at all the links on the left before asking...)


love charlie's room - of course:)

Sophie the giraffe

I just love the wooden trains. And the wall 'o art....wow!! Such a beautiful room, you did such a great job!


I'm loving the white bookshelf. I have been looking for something similiar. Is it from Ikea by any chance?


Hey Katherine!
Yes, they are IKEA! We have had them in every house and love them…



Forgive me if you've posted this elsewhere, but I'm really liking the color on the wall in this room. Can you tell me what it's called? Thanks!!

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